Your questions, answered.
We book your room, food, and staff several weeks in advance for all our programs so you can have an extraordinary experience. We also understand that life can happen and your plans might need to change.
If you cancel within two weeks of signing up and +30 days before the program start date, we'll give you a 100% refund.
If you cancel within 30-14 days before the first day of the program, we'll refund you 50% of the original amount paid.
If you need to cancel within 14 days of the program start date, you may forfeit your investment. Feel free to reach out to Michael at to see what we can do.
If you cancel because you have COVID, please see our COVID polices, here.
Yes. Your program spot is 100% transferrable at any point up until the program starts, at no extra charge.
You can view our policies here.
If at any point before or during the first day of your retreat you want to opt out, we will offer you a refund of any amount paid less $1,250 to cover our expenses for your spot in the retreat. After the end of the first day of the retreat, you will not be eligible for any refund.
To respect the container we're building, we require everyone to be there for the duration of the Training expereince.
While we highly discourage this, you are always free to choose if you want participate in the sessions or do something else. To reap the maximum benefits of the experience, we highly recommend that you follow the whole transformational process that we've designed for you, so that you can build up on top of each practice, from the very beginning of the day until the very end.
In general, our retreats and trainings have sessions from 7am to 7pm each day with multiple bio breaks, food breaks and integration breaks in between. Our schedule is designed meticulously for your enhanced learning experience. You will generally not have enough time to schedule outside meetings or calls, but please feel free to reach out to Rachel at with more questions. We will also send you a more detailed schedule in our welcome packet for your specific retreat.